
Friday, May 3, 2013

A little thing called... DERBY!

It's that time of the year again!! The one event in which our little ol' town of Louisville, Ky gets recognition beyond its own population; and where spotting a celebrity or two... or three, seems as common as it would be in LA. Along with the infamous 2km horse race, hats, and celebrity sightings, it is quite the spectacle.
For those unfamiliar with this annual tradition; formally known as, The Kentucky Derby, here are some highlights...

The event is proceeded by a week of local festivities! It's a bit of an overload, so I'll get to the main event, which falls on the first weekend of May - divided into two particular days:

Friday - Oaks
Saturday - Derby

Location, is none other than Churchill Downs.
Attire is usually semi-formal, but for the women, the most popular accessory is the HAT! ie: here and here.

Regardless of the attire, this weekend is most certainly known for its heart-pounding, beat the program on the rail race of its beautiful thoroughbreds; as it's also deemed "The Fastest Two Minutes In Sports". Attending the Derby should definitely be on the bucket list. It's an historical event unlike any other. 

As for this household, the Derby festivities kick off this evening at Ferdinand's Ball. Friday (Oaks day) will be spent in our fun/matching attire (and yes, hats) at the track, then we'll magically spin around - you know, like Cinderella - and change into our more formal attire for the Unbridled Eve Gala. With whatever bit of energy left to gather, we'll then be back at the track on Saturday, Derby day (yes, more hats). This will be one eventful weekend!!

With that said, this post may be running until after the festivities!
As much as I cringe at that thought - as I like to be on top of things - I'm not sure my laptop would be an acceptable fashion forward accessory. So, I apologize in advance!

Our attendance, and attire, will be shared immediately following the weekend. 
Fingers crossed we pick a winner this year!!!! Good luck to all!!!

Have a blessed and safe weekend. :)

photo credit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 

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