
Friday, June 21, 2013


No new content today...shocker

It seems my brain is on overload these days; appointments, play dates, dinner dates, movie dates, visiting family, cleaning house(s), birthday party - you name it, I'm doing it. In other news... while linking up with Ms. Yoga Pants today, I also got a brief update on some Kimye news - naming their child North. I'm speechless. I can't say that's clever; it's just... [any synonym equivalent to dumb].
Now onto:
Although it's not new, I'm currently obsessed with Daft Punk's single, and well the album in general. This song makes me want to run out to LA and drive along Venice Beach. 


  1. Hahah, I'm completely baffled by the name. I never thought Kim would have went along with a name like that, but she DOES like people to talk about her. Love your blog, by the way!

    L @
