
Friday, September 13, 2013

Home Decor: kid invasion

The contents of this post is nothing of real importance. Just a reality check that I'm about to have TWO children in less than 4 months, and some days it hits me harder than others. Not in a bad way. More like a "this mess was made by only one, not two... yet" sort of way.

We all have that moment company is coming over and we scramble around to make sure bathrooms are clean, every inch of the floor is swept, and maybe even lighting a candle for that extra spritz of freshness. Although, sometimes you luck out and not everything is out of order as you expect it be; which is always an accomplishing feeling I must say. So we all have those moments once in awhile, yes? Of course. We're only human. 

Getting to the point. We'd love to think our house could stay nice and tidy all the time. For example, here's a picture of our living room couch in the beginning of the morning.
But that's not reality... at least not with a child. In the first year, they aren't very messy and everything that gets out of order is strictly in the hands of the parents. The second year, they're walking and toys are beginning to appear in places you did not place there yourself. By the third year - and ON - it is no longer in your control. Messes are going to happen, and you just have to hang on for dear life that you do not have a heart attack when you find the two-week-missing juice cup hidden in the far back shelf of your entertainment center. Because I should have looked there before, right?  

What I'm also talking about is the living arrangements of my daughter's little companions. Granted they are helpless, aka STUFFED, so we can't place the blame on them and where they end up most of the day. What exactly am I talking about?

This... this is what I'm talking about.
By early afternoon, on a non-school day, this is my house. When the weather was nicer to us, we were able to get out (park, zoo, etc.) and the house was less abused. However, with the combination of being 23 weeks pregnant, and these terrible heat waves we're doing what we can. 

Although, the invasion doesn't just stop there in the living room. We recently got our new kitchen table set, and Audriana was quick to claim it in her own little ways. Here's a before and after shot, within just a day of its arrival.
Knowing better, we have a temporary table cloth until our table protector arrives next week. When you have children, your purchases are usually narrowed down to "does this come with child proof options?". At least that's the way I always look at it.

But I know I'm not alone. Many parents out there know what I'm talking about.

Such is life.
And then there's this unbelievable story ... words can't describe the shocking photos. I'll take my children's mess any day of the week, over that. Check it out, and see what I'm talking about. 

Good day, everyone!!!

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