
Monday, November 11, 2013

A Complicated Relationship

This post is going to seem like it's coming from left field. Alot of my thoughts usually do, but to verbally announce - or publicly post it, for that matter - is another thing. Regardless, here we are and I'm going to share with you something that could possibly qualify me as the ultimate weirdo.

So... I love food. As most people I know who also enjoy food, that's not really a big deal. A simple fact of life. But when I say I love it, I mean I love it. It can get to the point that I literally savor those last two or three bites until it's all gone. And by savor, I mean I usually wait so long to finish it that the food (if warm) is definitely cold by the time it disappears off my plate. A sad reality my friends.

The picture says it all. It's really that complicated.

So how did I come to own such a ridiculous OCD? I wish I knew. Fortunately, I'm not chowing down on hamburgers or pizza everyday. But even so, it is what it is with eveeerrryyyttthhhiiinngg I eat. Now please don't take this literally. This is not a case where I'm necessarily "so in love with food I want to save it", but it's the fact that it just tastes so good, I don't want it to be gone! Yea I know, that doesn't sound any better. I still sound like a weirdo.

So let's make it more weird shall we. To go into depth on this subject, I will literally stare that last bite in the face, and put it aside on my plate until I'm good and ready for it to be gone. I sound insane. To add to it, I have proof. Like it's really necessary to validate my madness, here's a picture of my lunch the other day (Cantina bowl from TB. My recently healthy cravings). Granted there's no thermometer in sight, but trust me when I say it was indeed cold ... and pushed to the side like a mad woman.
I actually laughed at myself while taking that photo, in amusement to capturing the accuracy of this disorder.

Like I said, this was completely out-of-left-right-center-field, but it was worth sharing because the first step is admitting we have a problem, right? Well, I'm admitting that I have a complicated relationship with food.
Am I alone on this, or is there an OCD you find outrageously annoying about yourself? If so, I'd love to hear about it. Let's be weird together.

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