Here's the thing. I've recently merged into this ombré trend, yet it's more gradual than most. I just can't decide how light/dark I should go/stay. Does that make sense? Here is whose hair [talk about a Dr. Seuss tongue twister] I've been obsessing with lately via my Instagram feed.
Here's my hair process thus far.
Leaving the salon the first time we had the color a little dark than we wanted, just in case it faded. But two weeks later it's still a little darker than I'd like, so I have an appointment next week to do some toning. My ever-so-patient stylist is probably ready to give me the boot, because I seem to always text her about something! Just this morning I already begged her to let me know if any cancellations arise prior to my already-scheduled appointment. I'm that anxious and impatient. **bless you, Melissa**
Until then, let's say a little prayer that I can make a decision. Oh, and that my husband doesn't disown me after these last few hair trials. I'm going to have to start digging out change in my car seats after too long.
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