I have always had a love for fitness, but I would often go through phases; strong cardio one month, heavy strength training another. But when I finally found a good balance, I put everything I had into it. Back in 2011, I was on a roll with the right food, the right routine, etc. I was all in and got my body to a place it'd never been before that time - strong, firm, all in all healthy. It was a great challenge for me, and I was so proud of myself for sticking with it. That was until..... well, life. After one missed trip to the gym, I found myself missing another... and another... and another. Then when I started to feel sluggish, I ate sluggish! I wasn't the biggest person on earth, nor would I have even considered myself "fat", but I wasn't nearly as strong or as fit as I once was. And it was upsetting. I decided to just maintain what I had going on, and that was that.
Then came baby #2!
With all the changes going on the second time around - and time moving forward, aka getting older - I was determined to get back into the shape I was back then. I started a routine of getting my butt in the gym as often as I could throughout my pregnancy. This photo was taken during one of my last sessions. I was almost 30 weeks. Once I hit the 32 week mark, I was done! My body was talking and I had to slow down. Booooooo.
I started working out 3 weeks after giving birth [really Megan?] but started having some complications, so my doctor of course told me "stop!". Being told to "stop working out" is as unmotivating as a cold morning on a rainy day. But after weeks and weeks went by, I was slowly getting back into a groove with the OK from my doc. Woo hoo!!! Of course it wasn't overnight, but I began eating cleaner than I ever thought possible. Usually one or two fries from my child's lunch, or the leftover half-eaten chicken nugget was harmless - but not this time! It was time to get serious. If I was going to do this right, then it was all or nothing!!
Fast forward five months... and here I am now.To hold me accountable, and keep myself motivated I began documenting some of my progress and posting them on Instagram.
But I'm not doing this alone. Everyone needs inspiration and encouragement! So today I wanted to share some of my favorites I turn to throughout my news feed. It can be a photo of progress, food, or motivational wisdom. Whether it's a local trainer here in my own town, or someone random [I follow a lot of those], they inspire me each and every day. Note: these are just a small handful to avoid a mass overload... there are many people who have inspired me to stay in love with fitness and health. I wish I could acknowledge every single one of you.I'm so excited to see how far I can push my body. A giant thanks to my motivators out there!!!! Here's to PROGRESS and funny faces.
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