
Friday, June 7, 2013

If you really knew Mee

About a month ago I shared a personal post, just letting readers get an idea of who it is that sits behind this computer screen blabbing about the random things in life. So as a continuing effort to embarrass share bits and pieces of myself, here a few more hidden facts - if you really knew me.

I'm a little O.C.D. Correction... I'm quite O.C.D. I turn labels around to face forward on any bottle, condiment, can of vegetables, you name it - it's ridiculous! I have to brush my teeth before eating breakfast, otherwise everything tastes disgusting. Oh, and if I don't say "be safe/drive safe" to anyone leaving then something terrible will happen! ......just to name a few. 

I have tattoos. Six to be exact: foot, wrist, neck, thigh, inner arm, outer arm. I'm pretty sure none have been visible on my blog - not on purpose - they're just not all visibly seen unless I wear shorts, short sleeve shirts, or bathing suits.

I don't like to repeat myself. And given I have an almost 4 year old, this makes it quite challenging. It's like they secretly know this fun fact about yourself, and take full advantage of how long they can push your buttons. So unfair. It's not like you can explain to her, "sweetheart, I have an OCD with repeating myself more than once, so please just listen to mommy this one time, ok? Thank you." ....yuhright.

I watch Housewives shows. To be clear, I do not watch all of them. But the few I do, it's a guilty pleasure that's sometimes hard to admit. I currently have NJHW and BHHW set on record on the dvr. Poor Chris. Along with those and the endless recordings on Disney, he doesn't have much dvr space to himself. ;) good thing he doesn't watch a lot of tv - so we're golden.

Orange juice with breakfast is a MUST.  Leave it at that. If I don't have orange juice, it's incomplete.

I'm a closet singer. It's a modest confession. Don't expect this girl to sing karaoke without a few glasses of liquid courage, and certainly don't ask me to sing on the spot. Forget it. There's only a handful of people I've ever had the gall to sing in front of with or without alcoholic influence. It's a stage fright... can't help it.


With that said, and because I don't have any more facts I can gather at this time, I'm going to share an ORIGINAL piece I recently recorded with an old friend. It was a really fun piece and a step out there for me. It's a little slow for #backthatazzup melodies, but I hope you enjoy!!  

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