
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

No regrets. Ever.

We all have those days where finding the motivation to work out is no where to be found. For some it comes more often than not. Every now and then I catch myself falling into one of those statistics. I'm about as quickly motivated to get moving as sap on a tree.

"I'm not lazy, just incredibly motivated to do nothing."
That would be me...

Until I do the usual, and think about the END RESULT. I know how good I feel when I'm finished with a workout. That feeling of relief that you did something good for your mind and body. But it's a feeling that cannot be accomplished lying in bed, or on the couch. You have to get up and go! The end result of a workout is never changing --- you will feel GOOD. 
During my first pregnancy, I was young and bouncing back was not too challenging. I was back to my pre-baby weight within the first 6 months. This pregnancy, I'm older. Our bodies change. My metabolism isn't as quick as it used to be, so I have to be more aware of my nutritional intake and exercise. For the average person, that can be a real task; let alone a pregnant woman with the additional 20 lbs, fatigue, and late night cravings of chocolate chip cookies. Not that I'm speaking from exact experience. Or maybe I am.

Nonetheless, finding the motivation is challenging for anyone. But there really is nothing better than that feeling at the end of a good workout. So as Nike likes to imply, just do it! Find the motivation, whatever it may be.

You will only feel better, afterwards. 
Figured I'd go ahead and add this to my post today!! A fun link up with Whitney & Erin. Not to mention the title of their collaboration is cleverly similar to my bloggy title. So I just had to participate! Here goes...


Vacationing in Florida or vacationing in NYC:
This is a tough one. I spend at least one or two vacations in Florida - Disney, to be specific - every year, and it never gets old. However, I'm about to embark on another New York adventure here soon, and I canNOT wait! I'd say this is a draw.

iPhone or Droid:
iPhone. No question about it. I've had a droid, so by experience I'm very pleased with my iPhone. 

NSYNC or Backstreet Boys:
ummm, Nsync has and always will be my most favorite boy band. Not because I was ever or still am a teeny-bopper, but simply because their harmony is unlike any other boy band I've witnessed. 

Being forced to delete Facebook or being forced to delete Twitter:
Probably Twitter. I'm not on it often enough to miss it.

Fireball or Miller Lite:

Full House or Family Matters:
FULL HOUSE, hands down. 

Dumbledore or Gandalf:
Considering I had to re-read this one twice, just to figure out what-the-h it spelled... I'm gonna say, neither.

Dying Easter eggs or Carving pumpkins:
Carving pumpkins is shockingly much less of a possible disaster, than dying eggs. Anyone who's dropped an egg, or had one explode while boiling knows what I'm talking about. I'd much rather take the gooey intestines of the pumpkin. 

For suuuuuuuuuuuuuure NFL. I never went to a big college, so the loyalty to any one team isn't there. Go Colts.

A hangover forever or sobriety forever:
Is this a real question? I'll assume it is considering the hosts. ;) I love them. Oh yea, I'll choose sobriety. 

January or July:
January. Yea it's winter... more like the middle of a winter coma... but there are special events during that month, AND coincidentally the due date of our son!!! So yea, January wins this one.  

Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus:

Shark Week or Fashion Week:
Fashion week. That was an easy one................ I hate sharks.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Saved by the Bell:
Saved by the Bell, again for being one of the most classics of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Will Smith will always be a fave. 

Britney or Christina:
Is this based on talent or personality? Because that could most certainly make the difference. Britney wins my heart over Christina any day... but sorry, she cannot out sing her and that's just factsNonetheless, I love Brit.

Burrito or Burrito Bowl:
BOWL!!! It's easier, and .... well I guess that's my only reason. All tastes the same. 

Reading blogs on your phone or reading blogs on your computer:
On the computer. I literally base my blog's appearance and display on what it looks like on the big screen. Not to mention, if you run across one that makes you scroll forever...  I'm guilty of posting one.. then a computer is much more convenient.

Angelina or Jennifer:
This WOULD BE a question. Well, I can't say one or the other. I love love love love Angelina, simply for her heart and dedication to her family. But I'm obsessed with Jennifer's persona and her angelic demeanor. This HAS to be a draw.  

Doug Funny or The Rugrats:
Awww man, I know I can't possibly be allowed another draw - after like 4 prior to this one - so I guess I"ll just make a tough decision. Rugrats. Those little guys were just too cute.

An open mouth chewer or a heavy breather:
Heavy breather...... anyone that knows me, I'd rip my hair out before I placed myself beside an open mouth chewer. Not. Happening.  

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