
Monday, April 7, 2014

Inspired By A Song

If you're like me, you can easily relate your life to lyrics in a song. Not just any song, but there's always that one [or few] where you say, "...that's how I feel!". That's always been me, except I would maybe even write a song as opposed to just relating to one. Regardless, music was my therapy.
Music was often the remedy to any emotional rollercoaster I endured. Majority of the time it all stemmed from most likely a broken heart [oh, high school] but in my adult years they were from a much deeper matter... figuring out "who am I? What's my purpose in this life?"... [whoa megan, where's this going].

Today I heard a song that reminded me of some challenges I encountered a few years back. "Challenges" being that I went through a very young marriage/divorce, getting caught up in a dark place to mask the effects of it all, which only lead me into the wrong direction everywhere I turned. I felt my life was completely out of my control. And what I came to understand was that IT WAS... 100%. But it always has been. We were made by a Creator who opens many doors for us, but initially we decide where we want to go. That isn't how it should be. Too often we trust our own judgement, when we should be trusting His.

Along with many others, [today] the song that brought that all back to me was Francesca Battistelli's "Write Your Story". It's a great reminder that God has our lives already written out, while we are made to just live it out. However, we don't always do it. From the beginning we decide what is good for us, and what fulfills us. We decide what is best to provide for our future and the future of our kids. But doing it alone isn't what He intended. I don't make choices in the household without consulting my husband, we don't make choices in the workplace without consulting our boss. Why is life any different? Let Him be our guide and assurance. Allow Him to show you the right direction and .... trruuuuuuuust me.... it will be fulfilling in more ways than you could imagine.

We are indeed His work of art, and the image we should portray is that of His best. I have learned that the choices I used to make were never consulted with Him and as a result of that I found myself completely empty. The moment I knew my life was not my own, it was a game changer. It really made all the sense in the world. And here I am now... [a short glimpse of my testimony].    

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