
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Bloggy Birthday

Well, I have reached my one year mark! One year of my little blog. Yippee!!!!

I'm not sure if I'm more proud just having this blog, or that I've consistently stuck to something for one whole year!? I know that sounds terrible but for me, when it comes to hobbies they come and go like seasons. This was something different, though. I just love that this became a way of writing down weekly [or every-other-weekly] events and that I can easily look back on them when I want to go down memory lane. I have literally always scrapbooked memorabilia, so this seemed like an even better way to do it. 

Of course it didn't actually start out that way. I'll be honest, I wasn't sure how this blog was going to go. I read all kinds, and everybody seemed to have "their thing". What was my thing? Just the header alone was tough to figure out. Not only do you want it to be interesting and catchy, but it needs to be original. After a handful of different names I just settled on one... A Little Bit of This and That ... which in fact, was not original. There was another blog out there that had the same title, but it dated back to many years ago so I took the risk [thanks for sharing, title twin]. Moving forward, I finally had my name - in case you're confused, my current blog name was obviously not the original one I began with; here is where I changed it. After you have the name, then it's go-time! But what to write about? Shockingly, I had a ton of stuff I wanted to blog about. My preference in fashion, beverages, you name it. I even began motivational posts once a week. Whether it be mentally, emotionally, or physically, I loved the idea of possibly providing any kind of motivation. I like helping people. Love it, actually.

From there, I just started throwing in random events that our family encountered, or work events I was privileged to attend with my husband. The funny part about it all was pulling out my phone to snap pictures of e-v-e-r-y detail. Literally, you begin getting looks from people like you're crazy. Can't really blame them when you're taking pictures of a food buffet as if you've never seen one before, or oil stains on the ground because it's shaped like a heart. Dedication, at its finest.

One year later, I'm still taking random photographs to document. Although, it's with less consciousness. I just do it. Even my dear husband will wait to take a bite of his food with the expectations of me snapping a photo. Of course it's not without one of his clever remarks, "...hashtag cold food." But he loves me. 

Last but not least, I must give credit to one of my favorite gals, Katie, for inspiring me to do this bloggy thing. I remember the day I bugged her about the whole idea. At the time she was about 5 or 6 months into her own blog, so undoubtedly I had a lot of questions. In a way she sort of gave me that "just do it!" push. And so I did! If you get a chance, definitely hop on over to her page. Just be prepared for some serious adorableness of her latest creation - her son, Bennett!! 

Well here's to you, blog! Hoping for many more years together!

Now that's an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

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