Sunday, May 11, 2014

Forever Changed: Life As A Mommy

Life as a mother is possibly the most rewarding job on the planet. I feel like I can say that with 100% confidence. I know there are careers out there that have their perks - some bringing in unfathomable amounts of doe - but what we gain out of motherhood is far beyond materialistic value. I just read a great little piece by Katie, celebrating her first mommy's day today!!

The only downside is that my anxiety level has hit its ultimate high. Not a day goes by that I don't have some sort of anxiety fit about this or that. It could be over something as tiny as "is she wearing matching socks?"....those triggers most likely only exist for us ocd victims.

But in all seriousness, I worry about eeeevverything. You want them to be safe, healthy, HAPPY... in everything they experience. Whew. The worrisome aspects sure make it exhausting. But then the turnaround is of course the overwhelming joy you can feel in an instant, even among the madness.

My life was forever changed the day I became a mother. Some seem more concerned about losing the baby weight, or not being able to make dinner plans at the drop of a hat - but not everyone. For some it's an immediate emotional rollercoaster of "how in the world could I have been so blessed to create such an amazing little thing, and how do I keep them from growing up?????" I dread the day they are too big to hold my hand, or kiss me in public. wwhhhaaahhhhh [tears]. I'll let this moment pass for now, because it's seriously a heart throbbing trigger for me.

These babies of mine truly are what defines who I am. They make me better. They challenge me, and fulfill me all in a moment's time. Always find the joy in the chaos, because there really is nothing out there comparable to a job like this.

Happy Mommy's Day!!

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