Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

1. I just realized my "post scheduling" failed me; leaving NO Christmas Eve post. I'll never trust that darn thing again.
2. I have totally skipped out on sharing our holiday festivites.

Excuses? I could think of a few.
Too many photos. Too many visits to document. I'm 38 weeks pregnant [probably my best go-to].

Today, however, could not be overlooked.

It's my daddy's birthday! And yes, I still call him my daddy.
I have already mentioned once before what an amazing father he is, but without sounding redundant he truly is the best man I know [alongside my husband, of course]. Words can never express my gratitude for eveeerryyyytthhiinngg my dad has done for me, for my daughter, and our family as a whole. He's selfless in all ways you can imagine, and has the biggest heart known to man.

He's an incredible grandfather to Audriana, and we are just anxious for our new son to meet this amazing man we call "Pop". 

Happy birthday, daddy!!!! You're by far the most idol man I know, and I love you so much.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Cookie Craze

With Christmas now only two days away, my winter bucket list is coming to a close.
To conclude it will most likely be on Christmas eve and Christmas day; baking Santa's cookies and watching the classic Peanuts Christmas. 

The most recent check mark, though, was baking Christmas cookies!! What an event. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law had the whole afternoon/evening planned. I can't wait to share the pictures. Literally. So here they are.

Given the spunkiness of them both, they had festive aprons waiting for us when we got there. Adorable.
Dressed and ready... it was on to the kitchen!
She was practically a pro [cough, cough] placing each cookie cutter in the middle of the dough. But whatev. Decorating them was her specialty if anything.
Then it was on to the final fun project! Reindeer cookies. [No I didn't make or cut them. But I shaped them... good enough].
This was the best time, and what better way to share it than with family. I'm so blessed to have such incredible in-laws who enjoy their time with Audriana [I'm sure they enjoy me as much, too] because it warms my heart witnessing these precious moments.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Shade of the Week

It's Christmas time!!! It's actually been Christmas time since December 1st in my mind, but I have held off with the red nails until closer to date.

With that said, this week I'm rocking one of my favorites.

Sally HansenComplete Salon Manicure 470 Red My Lips.

It's bold, it's beautiful, and it's festive.

I'm all about that.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Post Birthday Misery

Only one way to sum it all up...

[not pictured, steamed dumplings]
...and boom.
The end.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser

I once read [by a pretty influential lady, my aunt Vicki] that future years to come don't always have to be counted by a number; as another year older. Yet they can be recognized as another year wiser. She views each birthday as "another year of wisdom". 

I love that.

That statement couldn't stand more true to my own life experiences. I can certainly say I've grown a lot more wiser in these past years; more so than I could have imagined. And I'm blessed for that growth.

Along with a new age, this year I began a new tradition.

A night of food [of course] and ornament crafts!!!

This year was our first trial, and I'd have to say it was a success. Other than the short attendance [due to impromptu scheduling] it was perfect. With that said, we were able to get by with my kitchen table and a separate children's table.
As a way to stay festive, I even made up some cute to-go boxes! Add little tissue paper, and you have yourself a nice little Christmas take-home box for your ornament.
Here were a few I was able to capture at the end of the night.
 Lastly, after some full bellies and crafts, we had dessert.
Compliments of my dear husband! And no I don't mean he made it, but simply ordered it. Thoughtful. ;)

Next year we plan to continue the tradition, but on a weekend to avoid some work schedules. The intimate number [including kids] made it very doable for our first run, but next year I'm hoping we can increase the company. 

Cheers to new traditions, and to another year of wisdom - appreciating such things. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Santa Claus Success

I used to think meeting Santa would go something like this.
And I wonder if it's because what they see is this.
But luckily, given her first visit, we had quite a pleasant experience. Literally angels were singing. After standing in line for an hour, you can only hope they at least SIT on the man's lap.
 And she did!
Maybe it was the treat of a candy cane that made this all worth while...
Nonetheless, she met Santa and it was a success!

Now we just have to work on the patience till Christmas morning......

Monday, December 16, 2013

Weekend Shenanis

Not a lot of documentation, but a pretty fulfilled weekend!

Family came in town on Friday and Saturday, and we did the norm; ate a LOT of food and played games. My kind of night. The only photo I seemed to gather at the time was that of our on-going game of "Hedbanz".

And if I must share, I had an extreme "Megan-moment" where I announced I was not good at geometry when discovering I was a country. Yes, that happened.
Moving on...

Sunday was also eventful. Our precious girl had a school recital and she sang in church with her classmates. This was her second for the year, and the first one didn't go so smoothly... as I mentioned here.

But not this time! She was up there singing, and did a curtsey after every applause. ;)
Not crazy shenanigans, but meaningful ones at that.

Family, friends, and food... What more can you ask for?

We are down to just 3 more weeks until our baby boy should arrive... I.CAN.NOT.WAIT.

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Non-Human Addition To Our Family

It's time to introduce you to a very special person... or animal.

Everyone, this is Sizzles.
After a collective amount of time of Sizzles attending family travels, events, school and all other occasions, I decided it was time to introduce this special guy to the world. 

As most children do, my daughter has chosen Sizzles to be the "it" thing she takes along with her everywhere. And I mean, E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. 
It's precious. I actually love the fact she wants to bring him places. It may seem like a hassle to some, but it's really no inconvenience. We have a real dog, but it's unlikely she could attend such events. Therefore, Sizzles stepped up to be that guy.

What makes him even more special is that my grandmother, Nannie [away in a nursing home with severe Alzheimers] had given this dog to Audriana a year before her condition became what it is. He's quite dear to our hearts in many ways.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Look It But Don't Speak It

In reference to this great post [by my newest fave] I'd also love to share one my most awkward encounters with a stranger.

It was a rainy day back in 2000-something [great memory so far], and I was on one of our annual family vacations. Given the gloomy weather, the ladies made a shopping day out of it and headed to the nearest mall; showing that rain who's boss. Rainy day shopping success.

Moving on...

As I'm waiting for one of my cousins outside a store, I'm approached by a man.

Man: "[speaking in some form of Asian dialect]"

"I'm sorry?"

"Are you Japanese?"

"No, I'm Korean."

"Oh! [speaking in then I assumed Korean]"

"...I'm sorry I don't understand you."

"You don't speak Korean?"

"I do not"


"Yea I was born in Korea, but adopted when I was 3 months old..." why I felt the need to share such intimate information with this stranger I don't know, but clearly he wasn't getting it.

He then proceeds such awkwardness with...

"How do you like the states?"

Shocked yet ready to end this dreadful encounter, I respond...

"It's all I know."

"Ah... well good day to you. "

"And to you as well good sir."

At least that's what I would have said if I wasn't dumbfounded. Instead, of what I remember, I smiled gracefully and walked away.

And that my friends was one of my own awkward moments with a stranger. One of many to come I'm sure.

The end.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

An Oldie But Goodie

I actually despise that phrase "oldie but goodie", but with the lack of brain power I'm possessing at the moment that's as good as it's gonna get.

It stands true, however. Today I'm sharing an old classic recipe that still warms the soul on chilly nights like the ones we've recently been enjoying having.

Chicken Noodle Soup
Go ahead... "Mmmmm". Yes, I agree.

Although I love to share some of my favorite meals, I'm pretty awful at sharing the recipe [as you may know]. But it's not always because there's a secret. It's more because I've taken after my grandmother and don't measure properly aka I cook in measurements that "just feel right". That's what she taught me.

But here's my attempt at sharing my homemade recipe:
48oz Chicken Stock
1/2c Carrots
1/2c Celery
1 Onion
2 Garlic cloves
3 Chicken Bouillon cubes
1lb Chicken Breast
1 Tbsp Parsley
1/2 Tbsp Bay Leaves, minced
3/4 bag Egg Noodles
Water, for consistency

First step, I pour some chicken stock into a pot and cook the chicken. Meanwhile, I chop all vegetables so they're ready to saute.
Next I get a separate pot [the soup pot] ready with some oil and begin sauteing the veggies. Mmmm the smell is delightful.
After they're softened, add the rest of the chicken stock, and bouillon cubes.
While the flavors begin to blend, start shredding your chicken [to your liking]. I prefer it like this.
Next, throw in your noodles and add water as needed. This is where my measurements are never accurate. This photo is the pre-water view.
Bring it all to a boil, add your chicken, then simmer on low. I like mine to sit for an hour at LEAST to make sure the flavors are all blended well together.

When it's ready, grab your spoons, bowls [my daughter likes to keep it festive] and some crackers! I wouldn't normally add crackers to mine unless I were sick, but oyster crackers are the ultimate and I just couldn't pass them up.
So there ya have it. 

Bon appetit!!! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Twenty-Seven Going on Six

With my birthday around the corner I'm realizing I haven't grown up in certain aspects. I'm a serious kid at heart, and after having children of my own that's been brought to light even more so. Here are a few things that can validate this discovery.

Fun cereals. As much as I strive to grab for my equally delicious grain cereals, this is a serious weakness.
Disneyworld. But not in a cheesy "omgosh MICKEY" kind of way. I just love everything about the place. When I'm there, I always feel happy [even in the mornings, which is a rarity any other day of the year]. Oh and vintage Disney is the only way to go. Classic.
Animated movies. Children sometimes introduce you to great animated films; entertaining with a little sarcasm for us adults. That's where movies [like this guy] come into play in my life.
Coloring Books. "Oh you don't want to color this page? Here I'll show you...". Every time.
[keeping all language PG, and 16th century for that matter]
Icees. This is not an everyday, or even an every week/month indulgence... but that one day when I shared one with my daughter [angels singing] it was glorious to the taste buds.
I sleep with my husband's shirt when he's out of town. Does this necessarily make me a child? In a way I think of it like a "need to be comforted", so I would say so. Audriana has her stuffed dog, and I have my husband's t-shirt.

Snow days. During my own school days it meant something to be snowed out of school, and today it doesn't feel any different. The other day I learned my daughter didn't have school due to current weather conditions, and it was a celebration. I turned off the alarm clock and slept until she woke up; usually another hour. Victorious.
So that's that. If I had time to really rack my brain on other things that kept me young at heart we'd probably be here for days.

I doubt any of the above will change in my 28th year of life.

Glossy Blonde