Friday, December 6, 2013

Tis The Season For Chili Weather

Obviously by the spelling, I'm not talking about temperature here. It's that time of year where the only thing to cure those cold weather chills is a nice bowl of chili!! Mmmm.

Recently, the hubs went out and grabbed the necessities for "The Recipe" and I whipped us up a nice bit pot. The reason for the quotations is because it's a recipe my dad has passed down to me, and it's been called that for as long as I can remember.
Essentials: tomato juice, chili beans, chili tomatoes, mexene powder, ground beef, noodles

Obviously, we are a noodle-chili family. I know there are some who don't do that, but we do. I really can't enjoy it any other way. The only thing I do differently than dad is add MORE noodles.

The Recipe was always a secret, but once I was older and learned it for myself I realized the secret ingredient is simple TLC. There's steps to making it just right. If you're a first time chili maker, then my apologies for the lack of measurements, but I have to keep some of it to myself due to its history in the family. ;)

BUT! I won't leave you astray. There are many, many recipes here that will suite any one of your taste buds.

Just don't forget the most important part of any chili dinner event... the peanut butter sandwich. Yessir.

Although, after a recent convo with the bestie..."I've never had that with my chili", she says... I thought maybe it was another one of my weird quirks [never shocking]. But it was hard to believe I was the only one who enjoyed such a combo. That was until good ol google assured me I was not alone.
So to anyone who hasn't tried this combination, you haven't lived. Do it, just once. You won't regret it.
It's not a #backthatazzup type of jam, but it's a classic, one of my favorites, AND totally necessary. There's about a million versions of this jingle, but I've always loved this one. Not to mention they used to be America's sweethearts. 

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