Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Twenty-Seven Going on Six

With my birthday around the corner I'm realizing I haven't grown up in certain aspects. I'm a serious kid at heart, and after having children of my own that's been brought to light even more so. Here are a few things that can validate this discovery.

Fun cereals. As much as I strive to grab for my equally delicious grain cereals, this is a serious weakness.
Disneyworld. But not in a cheesy "omgosh MICKEY" kind of way. I just love everything about the place. When I'm there, I always feel happy [even in the mornings, which is a rarity any other day of the year]. Oh and vintage Disney is the only way to go. Classic.
Animated movies. Children sometimes introduce you to great animated films; entertaining with a little sarcasm for us adults. That's where movies [like this guy] come into play in my life.
Coloring Books. "Oh you don't want to color this page? Here I'll show you...". Every time.
[keeping all language PG, and 16th century for that matter]
Icees. This is not an everyday, or even an every week/month indulgence... but that one day when I shared one with my daughter [angels singing] it was glorious to the taste buds.
I sleep with my husband's shirt when he's out of town. Does this necessarily make me a child? In a way I think of it like a "need to be comforted", so I would say so. Audriana has her stuffed dog, and I have my husband's t-shirt.

Snow days. During my own school days it meant something to be snowed out of school, and today it doesn't feel any different. The other day I learned my daughter didn't have school due to current weather conditions, and it was a celebration. I turned off the alarm clock and slept until she woke up; usually another hour. Victorious.
So that's that. If I had time to really rack my brain on other things that kept me young at heart we'd probably be here for days.

I doubt any of the above will change in my 28th year of life.

Glossy Blonde

1 comment:

  1. That coloring photo is hilarious! That kid reeeally loves coloring! Happy early birthday!
