Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Unplug and Unwind

Although it doesn't seem like I do much in the virtual world anymore (considering my blog is left idle more often than not these days), I am constantly on my laptop or phone catching up on any updates, emails, webinars or newsletters I need to know in order to grow my little fitness business stuff. With that said, I took the time to actually "unplug" this weekend, and spend the time with my family! I did have a little boost of motivation to do so, given the fact it was my daughter's birthday!! So I closed my laptop for the entire weekend and just enjoyed my time with the fam. It was amazing.

Here are few details from her Frozen themed birthday party! It was too much fun, and I have to thank my sister-in-law for the cute Pinterest-y ideas, and my daughter's great aunt who made her cupcakes!!

And yes, I had as much fun putting it together as it may look!!! Details are my favorite, and I love being crafty. Not that it was anything over-the-top... except for the Olaf chicken cheese ball!! My mother-in-law made her infamous appetizer (my favorite) but put a nice spin on it for the special occasion. Talent, or what?! :)

Last but not least, on Sunday we spent the afternoon at a local playhouse where we got see Mary Poppins LIVE!!! Audriana loves that movie, and it was such a delight to see her little face so happy, singing the songs along with them! My heart just melts seeing that light in her little eyes. :)
 It was a perfect weekend.

Unplugging may have kept me a little behind schedule come Monday, but it was totally worth it.