Thursday, May 29, 2014

InstaLovin [Fitness edition]

I have always had a love for fitness, but I would often go through phases; strong cardio one month, heavy strength training another. But when I finally found a good balance, I put everything I had into it. Back in 2011, I was on a roll with the right food, the right routine, etc. I was all in and got my body to a place it'd never been before that time - strong, firm, all in all healthy. It was a great challenge for me, and I was so proud of myself for sticking with it. That was until..... well, life. After one missed trip to the gym, I found myself missing another... and another... and another. Then when I started to feel sluggish, I ate sluggish! I wasn't the biggest person on earth, nor would I have even considered myself "fat", but I wasn't nearly as strong or as fit as I once was. And it was upsetting. I decided to just maintain what I had going on, and that was that. 

Then came baby #2!

With all the changes going on the second time around - and time moving forward, aka getting older - I was determined to get back into the shape I was back then. I started a routine of getting my butt in the gym as often as I could throughout my pregnancy. This photo was taken during one of my last sessions. I was almost 30 weeks. Once I hit the 32 week mark, I was done! My body was talking and I had to slow down. Booooooo. 
I started working out 3 weeks after giving birth [really Megan?] but started having some complications, so my doctor of course told me "stop!". Being told to "stop working out" is as unmotivating as a cold morning on a rainy day. But after weeks and weeks went by, I was slowly getting back into a groove with the OK from my doc. Woo hoo!!! Of course it wasn't overnight, but I began eating cleaner than I ever thought possible. Usually one or two fries from my child's lunch, or the leftover half-eaten chicken nugget was harmless - but not this time! It was time to get serious. If I was going to do this right, then it was all or nothing!! 

Fast forward five months... and here I am now.To hold me accountable, and keep myself motivated I began documenting some of my progress and posting them on Instagram
But I'm not doing this alone. Everyone needs inspiration and encouragement! So today I wanted to share some of my favorites I turn to throughout my news feed. It can be a photo of progress, food, or motivational wisdom. Whether it's a local trainer here in my own town, or someone random [I follow a lot of those], they inspire me each and every day. Note: these are just a small handful to avoid a mass overload... there are many people who have inspired me to stay in love with fitness and health. I wish I could acknowledge every single one of you.
Another thing I can take away from the last photo is that a hat is a great way to hide that painful "last rep face" as I call it - I literally just made that up and I think I love it. But you know what I'm talking about. Yea a hat would come in handy.

I'm so excited to see how far I can push my body. A giant thanks to my motivators out there!!!! Here's to PROGRESS and funny faces.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

: Weekend Look Book :

Another weekend, another look book! Are these getting old? I hope not. It's about all I can gather these days between school being out and everything in between. Ha! So just bare with me. At least I'm not completely absent, right? Right! So here's a look into our Memorial Day weekend.

First and foremost, we broke ground on building our first home!!!! Fantastic kickoff to the weekend, I must say.
Then the summer activities, watersides and fish fry/cookouts were among us for the next couple days.
Nothing like the smell of grilled goodness with some country music in the background... [sigh] ... Other than my exhaustion, allergies and hoarse voice, I could relive it all again tomorrow! The weekend was good to us. :)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mr. Mom

While allergy season, with continuous lack of sleep has me like this...
My amazing husband on the other hand is all...
Just wanted to take a second and recognize him for always stepping in and being husband of the year. He's up with the baby all night, and up happily willing to make breakfast and coffee in the morning. I just love that man to pieces and I am grateful for him e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y. 

But it's time to get mama feeling better... I'm sure he could agree to that.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekend Staycation

Living within a couple hours of big cities provides endless adventures... baseball games, water parks, you name it! This weekend we decided to pack up the kids and go on a road trip to Indianapolis to visit some friends and surprise the kiddos with a visit to the Children's Museum!! With our youngest, only 5 months old, he wasn't too impressed, but Audriana was pretty excited. Although we didn't tell her where we were going, she was just looking forward to the trip! When we arrived the next day, her expression was priceless. 
To save space, I just compiled some photos from the whole weekend! So, here's our weekend look book with GREAT friends and a shockingly successful 4 hour day at the Children's museum!! Whew.....
There's really nothing better than a family vacation. They've always been my favorite. I'm just so excited and blessed we get to do that with our own children now!! The weekend was long, but man was it one for the books! Our first road trip with both kiddos - where our little man slept the entire 2 hour drive there, AND on the way back - and my husband and I ended it all with a high five [no joke]! We're ready to do it again!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Just Breeeeeeathe

Today I'm fighting the urge to give someone a piece of my mind.... but I will not allow myself to become subject of that manner. We all have that tendency to want to prove or explain something you know to be false, but eventually the truth prevails on its own. With that said, I'm sharing this verse that helped me today, and if you or someone you know is battling this themselves then I hope it helps also.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."  - Ephesians 4: 2,3

We should always do our best to live by Christ, even in the most difficult times. Honor Him through our behavior as if He were standing right beside us [which He is, every second].

...just breathe.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Forever Changed: Life As A Mommy

Life as a mother is possibly the most rewarding job on the planet. I feel like I can say that with 100% confidence. I know there are careers out there that have their perks - some bringing in unfathomable amounts of doe - but what we gain out of motherhood is far beyond materialistic value. I just read a great little piece by Katie, celebrating her first mommy's day today!!

The only downside is that my anxiety level has hit its ultimate high. Not a day goes by that I don't have some sort of anxiety fit about this or that. It could be over something as tiny as "is she wearing matching socks?"....those triggers most likely only exist for us ocd victims.

But in all seriousness, I worry about eeeevverything. You want them to be safe, healthy, HAPPY... in everything they experience. Whew. The worrisome aspects sure make it exhausting. But then the turnaround is of course the overwhelming joy you can feel in an instant, even among the madness.

My life was forever changed the day I became a mother. Some seem more concerned about losing the baby weight, or not being able to make dinner plans at the drop of a hat - but not everyone. For some it's an immediate emotional rollercoaster of "how in the world could I have been so blessed to create such an amazing little thing, and how do I keep them from growing up?????" I dread the day they are too big to hold my hand, or kiss me in public. wwhhhaaahhhhh [tears]. I'll let this moment pass for now, because it's seriously a heart throbbing trigger for me.

These babies of mine truly are what defines who I am. They make me better. They challenge me, and fulfill me all in a moment's time. Always find the joy in the chaos, because there really is nothing out there comparable to a job like this.

Happy Mommy's Day!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

:Weekend Look Book:

After the weekend's festivities, I am two days behind on this post - #sorrynotsorry - but the weather has also been AMAZING so there was no doubt I would rather be outdoors with the kiddos; which we are about to enjoy again today! But let's backtrack for a moment to another incredible Derby weekend, beginning last Thursday evening... [beware, of the photo overload].

Ferdinand's Ball was spent with friends, and even a selfie with the infamous Dhani Jones. Omgee! The highlight of my night for sure. 

Friday night was the Unbridled Eve Gala, where we shared a table with Mark Sanchez [Jets quarterback] and Rob Angel [the man who invented Pictionary]. I was on the hunt for Christian Kane, but failed. Afterwards, we headed on over the next event, Fillies & Stallions, where I met Nicole Murphy. Gorgeous! If only she was accompanied by fiancé Michael Strahan, my night would have been complete!!
Lastly, Derby day. We were lucky to be in attendance with some great people and spent the morning/afternoon .... losing our money. Boo. But what an incredibly beautiful day it was!!!
To conclude the amazing weekend, as mentioned, we spent the entire Sunday outside. How could one resist??? The day consisted of painting, sidewalk chalk portraits, and playing on the water slide. Afterwards we grilled out, and roasted marshmallows for dessert. #perfection 
Looking forward to this week of WARM WEATHER!!! Finally!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Buckle Up! It's time...

Well it's that time of year!! Whether you're known around the world or just a little local, the party and events are merged as one. Yes, it's Derby time! The Run for the Roses!
Not a lot of content due to some serious procrastination. These last few days have had me wiped, so this is about as good as it gets. But! For anyone living under a rock unfamiliar with The Kentucky Derby, I can bring you up to speed here

Otherwise, stay tuned for a post-Derby update! Same as last year, we will be attending Ferdinand's Ball, hubs will be at Oaks solo; our daughter has school that morning, but back at it Friday evening for the Unbridled Eve Gala, possibly Fillies & Stallions, then of course Derby day itself. Buckle up! 

Good luck to all this weekend, and safe travels to those making their way in town!! Here we gooooo!!!!!!