Well, folks, it's Friday [[ Hallelujah ]] and being that I'm feeling extra relaxed and lazy today, my post is as equally exciting. The topic of today's nonsense material came to me last night lying in bed - again, exciiiiiiting. I was thinking to share some things I learned this week. Are they life changing? No. It's just a random topic, but maybe it'll catch on as a bloggy link up one day! Who knows.
Let's just roll with it.
This week, I learned: There is never a right time to take allergy medicine. Seriously. Either it fails to kick in when it's supposed to, or fails to last long enough for its purpose! aka: stuffy nose, can't breathe at 3am.
This week, I learned: Sneezing while on your back creates an excruciating pain in the lower abdomen. I discovered this multiple times this week - again, with the [[[achooo]]] allergies.
Yes, the brackets were to resemble my current sneeze attack I literally just had while writing this!!! They are about to meet their maker.
This week, I learned: Car shopping with my husband = fail. Leave it at that.
This week, I learned: The SILENT button on my phone is entirely overused/abused, resulting in me missing messages, phone calls, emails... for hours on end!!! Not acceptable. It's beginning to get annoying. Yes, I'm annoyed with myself.
This week, I learned: Regardless of whether my phone serves no purpose on silent, it certainly does its duty as a flashlight! It has saved my life on numerous occasions, parading around in the dark avoiding toys that my daughter I forgot to pick up.
Of course she should pick up her own toys, but she's 3. Come on. I'm better off knowing the toys are where they should be, rather than them hiding inconspicuously in cabinets, couch cushions, or (heaven forbid) under my feet... which happens more often than not.
This week, I learned: I vicariously live through - and thoroughly enjoy - other people's blogs! It's fun to be a self employed stylist, adoring one too many glasses of Chardonnay, while living in an unimaginably chic abode! Right?
And lastly,
This week, I learned: No matter what kind of week it is... this song is always, ALWAYS, a pick me up!!!!!

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