Ever have one of those days where you are just beyond exhausted? So tired in fact, you don't even remember falling asleep by the end of the day. That's me. In the last three months life has become a lot more challenging in several different ways. The challenges aren't necessarily bad, but they do get to the extent of "Oh my gosh, will this day ever end???". Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my life [genuinely]. Not a lot of people can say that, but I can. So even with its challenges, at the end of the day, I wouldn't have it any other way.
With all of that said, what I'm getting at is this. With this life I so love, I have to take a step back through my current struggle and think "is this really worth stressing about?" "is it that bad?". The answer is, no. There are bigger things out there that are much more important than my exhaustion. Because where is my exhaustion stemming from? I find that it's mainly from taking care of my children. Really? That is in no way a burden, but a blessing. My husband works hard so that I can stay home with our children, raise them, enjoy them... so what am I complaining about? Am I tired? Yes. Is my head ringing of baby whines, boo boo cries, and Veggie Tale sing-a-longs? Yes. Is there juice on the floor, spiky dog toys under my feet, baby formula spit up down my back, dishes in the sink, three loads of laundry to be done? Yes.
The turnaround, is being thankful for the cries, because it means my children trust me and look to me for comfort; for the laundry, because it means we have clothes to keep us warm; for the dirty dishes, because it means we have used them for our food [we aren't starving]; and thankful for my husband, for a companion in this life that cares so much for his family that he works his darndest to make sure we live a healthy/happy life.
There are so many more battles in this life that trump my complaints of exhaustion. To go along with that realization, I decided to do something with it. The famously known radio station, WAY-FM is always promoting ways to help the less fortunate; whether it's local in the US or in another country. My heart is always so heavy, yet so full, when I hear the stories they share. It's heartbreaking to know of such poverty around us, but then it brings a large community of people together which makes you realize there is still some good in this world. Today, I was one of those people.

After a month of hearing different promotions for these children and families that suffer from serious poverty, I decided to call in and make my own monthly pledge to help. I find myself spending money on things that are certainly less important than a pair of shoes for a child. No matter how many days I feel exhausted, at least I know I have a bed to fall into at the end of the day... some people can't say that.
So what do I have to complain about? Life is going to throw us some challenges, but we should never feel like it's something bigger than anyone else's. Just take a breath, and pray. Pray for what it is that is challenging you, but then try to recognize your blessings and say a pray of gratitude.