Day Three:
Here we began our first full day of NO WORK (for Chris), just the two of us! I had patience going into this, knowing it was a work trip, but it was worth celebrating when he could put that ol' lap top aside.
We finished up in the fitness center around 10am, and got ready for the day. Knowing the way to my heart, my dear husband asked the concierge recommendations to the best sushi place in town. So for lunch, we headed to a place called, Haru.
Very eclectic, seeming to be the trend in NYC. I was immediately drawn to the abundance of bamboo, used to divide the floor levels. I'm easily amused, but it was still a neat embellishment.
For myself, I had a basic Shrimp Tempura roll, along side some Cucumber rolls. Keeping it light. We usually eat ourselves into a coma when it comes to sushi dates, so I thought I'd played it safe given it was only 2pm. Chris on the other hand, had himself three different assortments; no holding back. Off the top of my head I can recall only two of the three; one being a Strawberry Finn of some sort, and another having jalapenos. My where his taste buds lead him I will never understand. A successful sushi lunch nonetheless.
After lunch we set out on our next adventure! Earlier that morning we had bought tickets to visit Top of the Rock. I had been once before, about 10 years ago, but this would be a first time for Chris. We weren't planning to do too many touristy sites, but this was definitely something I wanted to do again. Only being a few blocks down from our lunch spot, we waddled on to the Rockefeller Center.
Once to the top, they offer a souvenir photo opportunity to sit on a beam (as one did when they built it in the 1930s). We did the photo, but was unwilling to buy it for $45. Ew, no thank you. Moving on, we headed out to the Observation Deck.
And our view above New York City.
We also witnessed a proposal!!! Although I missed most of it, Chris pointed out the couple (the very bottom righthand corner of the above photo; ya know the ones with only half the body or head visible) when the man was just rising up from one knee. How romantic! :) I wanted to film them, but then found it ridiculously creepy if I did. So I didn't. I just love LOVE, and what a better moment to want to capture. Congrats to you, strangers above the Rock!
To begin, of course we got some apps. Although, we probably should have shared each one. Yet, we managed to devour our own individual platters - crazy now that I think about it. So you could say we were stuffed only moments after arriving. Not to mention following it up with salads and a 13 oz. filet. We were apparently warned about the meat serving sizes, and were advised we may be want to split the "meal for 2 or 3" between all of us. Going against that, I thought my individual filet was going to be petite, no indication on the menu said otherwise. But boy was I wrong.
Needless to say, I did not finish it. As a mater of fact, I may have actually only cut into two full slices and put the rest in a box to go. As my good Samaritan deed of the week, I handed it off to a homeless man who sat outside our hotel with his dog. I spotted him earlier when I had arrived to the city, and found something remarkable about him. With the little he had he still provided food and warmth to that dog, and that showed a real characteristic; selflessness. A rarity this day and age.
Day Four:
The last day. So far we had a great visit. There were still a couple things left I wanted to see, but we were short on time. Our car was to arrive at the hotel by 12:30pm to take us to the airport, so we got up pretty early to pack our bags to save time for last minute sight seeing.
Our first stop was to the 911 Memorial. So we hitched a ride in our LAST taxi, and headed on down to lower Manhattan. I remember my visit 10 years ago, just 3 short years after the tragedy had taken place. It was just a construction site. Now they have two reflection pools honoring all the lives lost. Standing beside them now, is the brand new 104 story World Trade Center complex, known as the Freedom Tower. With only an hour and 1/2 on the clock, we were unable to stand in line for the memorial tour. With that said, we weren't able to see much passed the gates. Although we did get a good view of the Freedom Tower.
Next we were on our way to Battery Park. Only a few blocks down, we were able to avoid another cab ride. Like I said earlier "our last taxi". It was such a beautiful day, so we were enjoying the stroll together. It's not often you get to walk peacefully, hand in hand with your husband in New York City. ;) Again with the time crunch, we didn't have a ferry ride scheduled to see the Statue of Liberty. No matter, though. Chris found it unnecessary deeming it a "neck breaking" experience to try and view a 305' statue up close. I agree, but it's still history man! If we had the time I know he'd be up for it, but I wasn't complaining given the reality that time was against us. I still managed to capture a photo of it, though. Bad quality, but hey what ya do...
Last but not least, we were on our way to visit Wall Street. This was one thing that actually struck my husband's interest, so by all means. Although, there really wasn't much to see, and the streets were very quiet. Chris reminded me it was Sunday, however. I'm sure it's a madhouse during the week. I snapped a few cheesy photos of my cute husband, but I'll save him the embarrassment.
Now I have experienced subway transportation quite a few times in my life, but I can't say it gets any easier. I know some of you locals could laugh at that, but it's true... I have terrible sense of direction. But given it is not rocket science, my husband was well aware of what he was doing, so we were good to go. And fortunately for us, the subway dropped us off right there in Time Square, just a block shy of our hotel. Shhhwing!!
This trip was certainly a memorable one. I was appreciative of this opportunity to travel alongside my husband. Not a day goes by that I dont appreciate our Lord for His blessings. Truthfully, after handing my box of food to the homeless man, my eyes filled with tears as I walked back to my hotel room. In a way, I just felt... guilty. Here I was with a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, warm clothes, and options beyond options for food. I know God provides these opportunities to reflect on the life around us. And that I did, indeed. For that moment I just thanked Him. I don't need moments like these to remind me of His grace, but when they arise it's good to just take a moment a be truly thankful.
Until next time NYC!!! It was fun while it lasted!!!
Now it's time to link up!! And what a better song to end this post series. Cheesy, yes. But so appropriate. Not a second went by that this song or the movie Elf's cleverly associated track "You Make Me Feel So Young" didn't pop up in my head walking through the city. Or just good ol Frank himself. Regardless, this is what I chose and you're gonna like it!! ;) Kidding. It just fits.
Happy Friday!!

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