Our church gets so creative with the activities. I just love it. Next we were moving on to the pony ride. In all honesty (a mother's confession) I was not looking forward to it; poop on the ground, repugnant smells, and the longest line EVER. Regardless, we do it for our kids, right? I know the pregnancy doesn't help with the patience on these things - it's a fact - but we manage. There for a moment she seemed to be over the long line herself! But when we made it to the front, she was revved up and ready to go.

Shockingly, we nearly had to beg her to go trunk or treating that day. She just wanted to play! By all means, my darling. I'll never complain about my daughter refusing candy... except that was the whole reason we came! Somehow we managed to ignite her interest by pointing out all the silly costumes we saw through the row of decorated cars. Our favorite was a family of minions.
Cars were lined about 5 rows across, and about 8-10 cars deep up and down. Now and then we found ourselves at a standstill. But all for the love of trick-- TRUNK or treating! :) She was having a blast, and it's funny to see people you know. For instance, Chris' aunt and uncle dressed as Duck Dynasty. Ha!
Looks like so much fun!!!