Just a little reminder on those days we seem to be surrounded by nonsense. No I'm not talking about the government. Although I'd agree it's chaos, politics will not find its place here in my bloggity world. I'm just simply talking about life in general. Sometimes when it hands you lemons, they're sour... really sour. The common thing to do, as we are told, is to just make lemonade - which in my mind means "go with what you got, and deal with it. " Easier said than done; especially with something so sour you can't imagine formulating that into something attainable.
That's why I'm always drawn to this particular quote. It makes all the sense in the world. We certainly cannot change everything, so we pray for the ability to find peace in that. When we do, it's uplifting. There's no point in dwelling on something we aren't able to change ourselves.
The things we can change, however requires courage. If we know we have the ability to make a difference, then we pray for the courage and strength to see it through.
But the most difficult challenge to most of us, is seeing the difference in what we can change and what we cannot. We often push ourselves, believing a false reality that "if we only do this, then that will come!" We must pray for the knowledge and wisdom to know the difference of the two; only putting our efforts towards what we are actually able to change. Otherwise, it's a lost battle.
So today, remember that the opportunity for peace and serenity is there. That He is there, to help guide us through whatever challenges we face.
I needed to see this today!!! Thank you for the VERY uplifting message